Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare and contrast the films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare and contrast the films - Essay Example The objective of the paper is to compare these movies based on different parameters. Theme is the one of the most important parameters in the analysis of the movies since it is related to the subject being explored by the movie. The theme of Requiem for a Dream is about addition while Pi, The Fountain, and Black Swan are about obsession. The newest movie Noah is about humanity and overcoming challenges. Basically, Aronofsky is known for artsy presentation of theme even to the point of being weird, puzzling and analytical. All of the movies that he directed needs an in depth analysis or one can just enjoy the taste and the artistic manner the theme or subject is presented. With regards to camera work, both Requiem for the Dream and Pi used both a steady and a shaky camera. On the other hand the films The Fountain and Black Swan just used steady camera. Noah used steady camera with wide views due to expanse of the theme. Aronofsky is known to use shaky camera to present the feel of the movie being first hand and even more experiential. According to an observation of his work, he is even known to put cameras on actors to be able to achieve a different perspective, thus, achieving the shaky camera effect (IMDb bio). Editing of the films used either abrupt cut or slow transition for his films. In the Requiem for a Dream and Pi, Aronofsky used abrupt cuts between scenes while The Fountain, Black Swan and Noah used slow transitions between scenes. Compared to the other two movies which is presented in a more artistic, mysterious and affective manner, the latter movies are more dramatic in nature and theme. The fast and short cuts is one of the techniques he is known for which is referred to as hip-hop montage or the fast presentation of scenes and images with a background music to stress an exciting event or even the use of different types of addictive substances which

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Investigation of Food Poisoning Outbreak

Investigation of Food Poisoning Outbreak Christian Nehme INTRODUCTION An investigation of a food poisoning outbreak requires some knowledge into what food poisoning is and some common culprit bacteria which trigger such outbreaks. Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, is the name for the range of illnesses caused by eating or drinking contaminated food or drink. Food poisoning occurs in two main ways: poisoning by toxic agent or by infectious agent. Food intoxication is when the food contains toxins, usually occurring when the organism that produced the toxin is no longer present or able to cause infection. Food infection, on the other hand, is when the food contains bacteria which infect the body after it is eaten. Foodborne illness is quite common, affecting almost 5.5 million Australians each year. Two common food poisoning causing bacteria are B.cereus vs S. aureus. Bacillus species are Gram positive, aerobic heterotrophs, with the ability to form resistant spore coats. Do they have similar symptoms, toxins? cases in Australia. Description of Scenario As a special treat paid for by the Department of Health and Aging, 435 pensioners were taken on a catered summer’s day harbour cruise. Later that day, a number of the participants became very ill. The food was prepared on shore and brought onto the boat that day, The boat left Circular Quay at around 10am and cruised around Sydney Harbour past Watsons Bay, into Darling Harbour and disembarking at Circular Quay at 3pm.. The water was rather calm and there was a medium breeze. Local hospitals and ambulances were mobilized to respond to the outbreak. It also came to the attention of the local PHU and their personnel were able to retrieve some remnant food and patient specimens from the scene and hospitals. Questionnaires were distributed to the guest list once this was obtained by the local PHU and the NSW Food Authority. Of the questionnaires sent out, 339 were returned providing the following information. Symptoms Of the total number who were sick, 153 suffered severe diarrhoea; 139 vomited; 122 experienced abdominal cramps; 117 said that they felt nauseous; 11 complained of numbness in the arms and legs; and 3 developed haematuria. Thankfully no deaths were recorded as a consequence of this outbreak. Reported details on illness, and what was eaten and not eaten were compiled into Food Attack Tables. RESULTS Number of individuals who attended the cruise:435 Number of questionnaires returned:339 Number of individuals who suffered diarrhea: 153 Number of individuals who suffered vomiting: 139 Number of individuals who suffered abdominal cramps: 122 Number of individuals who suffered nausea: 117 Number of individuals who suffered numbness in arms / legs: 139 Number of individuals who suffered haematuria: 139 Number of deaths: 0 The incubation periods of the sick individuals (number of cases) are displayed in Figure 1. The food-specific attack rates for foods thought to be implicated are shown in Table 1. Figure 1: Epidemic curve presenting incubation periods of sick pensioners aboard the harbour cruise. Results obtained from responses to a questionnaire. Onset times appear as two distinct peaks, one occurring between 2-3 hours and the other between 6-15 hours, after consuming lunch. Data Calculated Percentage morbidity: (219 x 100) / 339 = 64.6% Percentage mortality: (0 x 100) / 339= 0.0% Percentage case fatality rate: (0 x 100) / 219= 0.0% Average incubation period: = 9.9 Hours Table 1: Food-specific Attack rates using data from questionnaire and other calculations including the Odds Ratio, Chi squared and Confidence Interval for each food type. Odds Ratio: An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates a higher risk of becoming risk on eating that particular food type. In Table 1 above, all meats have an odds ratio less than 1, and only Rice Pudding with Custard has an odds ratio greater than 1. Confidence Interval: the Odds Ratio is within a 95% confidence level if the CI does not include 1. From Table 1, Roast Lamb is the only food not within a 95% confidence level, whilst the 3 other food types are within a 95% confidence level. Chi-Squared: Ho = the sickness is not a result of any of the food consumed H1 = the sickness is a result of any of the food consumed When the P-Value is less than 0.05 (non-significant), the null hypothesis can be rejected. Since the P-Value is less than 0.05 for the Chicken, Ham Rice Pudding, the null hypothesis can be rejected, indicating that the case of the sickness was due to the consumption of either one of, or a combination of these foods. Since the P-Value of the Roast Lamb is much greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, signifying that the consumption of the Roast Lamb was most probably not a cause of the sickness. % Ill (Attack Rate): this is a measurement of correlation of the percentage of passengers who got sick and the total number who ate or did not eat a specific type of food. The correlation for Rice Pudding was the one to stand out, where only 20% of the passengers who did not eat rice pudding actually reported that they got sick. This is dramatically less than the other food types, which were above 60% each. Also, Rice Pudding had the highest attack rate of 57.8%. Flowchart of Experiment Food Swabs Cook’s Nose Swab Faecal Swab Results of Experiment DISCUSSION As evident from Figure 1, the number of cases are spread out from 2-21 hours after consuming lunch. There are 2 distinct peaks, occurring at 2-3 and 6-15 hours after consuming lunch. At this stage, a pathogen can possibly be the causative agent as it has shown to portray such symptoms on passing from the Upper Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to the Lower GIT(Kho et al. 2011). These peaks can be linked with vomiting and diarrhoea, respectively. Of the commonly known pathogens, Bacillus cereus, a spore-forming pathogen, causes two distinct forms of foodborne effects: an emetic syndrome (vomiting-typified by an incubation period of 1–6 hours) and a diarrheal illness typified by an incubation period of 6–24 hours (Benenson AS, ed). Table 1 yields useful results which play a critical role in identifying the trigger organism for the outbreak. The attack rate for people who ate the different food types was the highest for Rice Pudding Custard (57.8%), although the other food types were closely behind, Roast Lamb being the closest at 56%. This is not enough information to be able to conclude the causative food type since the attack rate only ranges by 7%. This close range could be due to the fact that these food types were consumed in varying combinations, which makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact, single food at fault. This attack rate, however, can be combined with the attack rate of the pensioners who did not eat a particular food type, giving a clearer picture as to what the causative food source was. Rice Pudding Custard, having the lowest attack rate at just 20%, suggests that if it were not eaten, the chance of becoming ill is heavily less compared to the nearest food type, Roast Lamb, with an attack rate of 62.2%. This, combined with the high attack rate of pensioners who ate the Rice Pudding Custard, signals it to be the culprit source of pathogens. The odds ratio of Rice Pudding Custard, being 5.47, is significantly greater than other food types (which are all less than 1), suggesting that the risk of becoming ill upon consumption is 5.47 times greater than if Rice Pudding weren’t consumed. Furthermore, since the P-Value is less than 0.05 for the Chicken, Ham Rice Pudding, the null hypothesis can be rejected (that the sickness is not a result of any of the food consumed). This indicates that the case of the sickness was due to the consumption of either one of, or a combination of these foods. Since the P-Value of the Roast Lamb is much greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, signifying that the consumption of the Roast Lamb was most probably not a cause of the outbreak. However, the Confidence Interval for Rice Pudding Custard lies within a 95% confidence level, further supporting the claim that the Rice Pudding Custard was the causative food source. Knowing the possible food source which triggered the outbreak, and having an idea that the causative organism behind the outbreak was B. cereus (due to the two peaks correlating to the typical symptoms), laboratory investigations were then conducted to conclude what the exact organism was. The first test conducted was inoculating each food sample onto a PEMBA plate. The results varied as to the PEMBA count (cfu/g), possibly due to experimental error. However, Rice Pudding had the highest consistent overall count, with 8.5 x106 and 7.9 x 106 cfu/g. The colonies that grew on the PEMBA plates for the Chicken, Ham and Roast Lamb were small, yellow colonies, measuring approximately 1-2mm each, indicating the possibility of Gram Positive Cocci. The Rice Pudding, however, displayed large (4-5mm), matt blue colonies with a halo of precipitate. The PEMBA isolate for the Rice Pudding were Gram Positive Rods, occurring in chains with an oval central spore. The lipid granule test was positive an d catalase positive, with motile cells. Since none of the other food types PEMBA isolates showed GPR, no further testing was conducted on Chicken, Ham and Roast Lamb. Salmonella, Enterococcus and Shigella may have been possible pathogenic causing bacteria which contributed to the outbreak. In order to eliminate or support this possibility, a Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) plate was used. Faecal swabs of the sick pensioners who had eaten a particular food type were inoculated onto the XLD media. The only differentiating outcome was the appearance of the colonies of the faecal sample from people who consumed the Rice Pudding Custard, were slightly larger than those for the other food types. No definitive conclusion can be made from this. Faecal swabs were also plated on PEMBA plates and inoculated into the XLD media. The PEMBA plates displayed small, yellow Gram Positive Cocci colonies for the Chicken, Ham Roast Lamb specimens. The Rice Pudding Custard however, displayed large, Gram Positive Rods, which appeared as large, blue, matte colonies when sub-cultured onto the PEMBA plates. This further supports the finding that B.cereus was the causat ive organism. The next step is to eliminate any possibility that the pathogen Staphylococci spp had any part to play, or to confirm that it did. To do this, the Cook’s nose swab was inoculated on Blood Agar (BA) to stablish haemolysis and on Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA), as a selective mechanism for salt-tolerant microorganisms such as Staphylococcus or Enterococcus. After testing, small, round, flat, ÃŽ ³ – haemolytic white colonies were seen on the Blood Agar, with the BA Isolate being Gram Positive Cocci, occurring in clusters and being catalase positive. Although this suggests the possible presence of a Staphylococci species, the MSA plate rendered small, white colonies with pink agar throughout. The pink agar confirms that the Mannitol was not fermented, which is an indicator that no Staphylococci species was present. Further proof for the non-existence of S.aureus was seen with the Latex test displaying no clumping. In order to confirm that B.cereus was the causative organism for the outbreak, further tests were conducted. These include gelatin positive, starch positive, casein negative, nitrate positive (no gas formed). The sample tested positive for Glucose VP. This means that glucose was broken down by the Rice Pudding specimen to form acetoin, and was evident through the dark red colour formed. B.cereus tested negative for the indole test, meaning it was unable to split indole from tryptophan (Wong, Chang Fan 1988). All these test results correspond with the presence of B. cereus and at this point, we are more confident that this is the causative organism. To test for purity, and to confirm that no other specimen influenced these results, a BHIA purity test was performed, which resulted with a pure result, meaning the listed test results were solely caused by the Rice Pudding Custard specimen. Through the results of the media growth and the results of the confirmatory tests conducted, it was determined that the causative food source was the Rice Pudding Custard, which contained a strain of B.cereus. This resulted through the Cook not cooking the Rice at the ideal temperature, and since the temperature used was hot enough to trigger the B.cereus to enter their vegetative state, but was not high enough to kill the B.cereus, this resulted in the widespread growth of the specimen. Accompanied with the fact that the rice was prepared the night before and the warmer environment in which the rice was kept for the period of time overnight were suitable conditions and promoted its growth, further accounts for the growth of B.cereus (Jesen et al. 2003). Outbreaks such as this could be avoided, and at least minimised if some precautions were taken by all those involved with the handling, making and consuming of foods. The following list outlines some main ways through which this can be achieved (Klietmann, W, 2002): Storage of hot food above 600C and cold food in the fridge below 40C Keeping cooked and raw food separated at all times, to avoid cross-contamination Using separate chopping boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods Improving hygiene such as washing hands before and after contact with food Utilising a heat process to destroy the vegetative cells and a rapid cooling process to prevent the spores from germinating Using appropriate cleaning and disinfection of contact surfaces of food, such as sodium hypochlorite based disinfectants Keep frozen foods frozen until used Cooked foods which won’t be consumed within an hour should be kept at temperatures below 10Â °C or above 50Â °C (Roberts, T.A) Experimental Method The main source of primary data was obtained from the questionaries. The accuracy of the answers to the questions asked has a direct influence on the results obtained, and on the findings extracted from the questionaries. Thus, if the questionnaires are completed accurately and in detail, the reliability of the results would increase and a higher potential in obtaining accurate leads as to which species were the triggers to the outbreak would be attained. However, out of the 435 pensioners who were on the cruise, only 339 questionnaires were completed and returned to the local PHU the NSW Food Authority. This leaves 96 unaccounted for pensioners, which would have aided and fastened the search for the possible trigger. These 96 absences could have been a result of the pensioners not wanting to give out personal information, not having an easy method of returning the questionnaires, and some pensioners may not have received the questionaries in the first place. This absence of 96 resp onses has a direct effect on the accuracy of the collected data from these questionnaires, as the data is only a sample of the population, and is not a complete reflection of all pensioners involved. Furthermore, more detailed questions could have been asked on the questionnaires which may have sped the process of identifying the relationship between the symptoms caused and the time of onset. Improvements with the data collection could have involved the collection of vomit and diarrhoea samples, which would have helped identify the pathogen early on in the investigation. API strips could have been used to aid in identifying the pathogen as fast as possible, as well as using advanced technological methods. Testing the venue of where the food was prepared further and analysing all possible contributions to the outbreak at the source by further investigating the cook, the staff involved, whether other foods were being prepared at the same time, the overall hygiene of the kitchen, pest related influences, and previous occurrences and whether any have occurred since. Continuous monitoring of all food preparation methods and staff involved since the occurrence will aid in preventing a reoccurrence. A stricter enforcement of an increased hygiene standard could be rolled out onto not only similar cruise companies, but also all kitchens and restaurants throughout Australia. The most feasible and economical method would be to allocate fortnightly swabs of the kitchen, staff, floors, equipment and food samples at all these food-related location, and be sent to relevant laboratories to be analysed and reported. A safety-tick program could be implemented which takes these results and businesses ca n display them, notifying customers that they conduct regular hygiene tests and have passed all tests, giving the customer piece of mind that their chances of getting food poisoning is less likely. REFERENCES Jenson, I Moir, C. J: In Foodborne Micro-organisms of Public Health Significance. A. D. Hocking et al. (editor) 6th edition. AIFST (NSW Branch) Waterloo NSW 2003. SAA: Australian Standard. Food Microbiology. Method 2.6: Examination for specific organisms – AS 1766.2.6, pp. D8-D12, 1991. Benenson AS, ed. Control of communicable diseases in man. 15th ed. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 1990:177–8. Kho, M.F., Bellier, A., Balasubramani, V., Hu, Y., Hsu, W., Nielsen-LeRoux, C., McGillivray, S.M., Nizet, V. Aroian, R.V. 2011, The pore-forming protein Cry5B elicits the pathogenicity of Bacillus sp. against Caenorhabditis elegans, PLoS One, vol. 6, no. 12, p. e29122. Wong, H., Chang, M. Fan, J. 1988, Incidence and characterization of Bacillus cereus isolates contaminating dairy products, Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 54, pp. 699-702. Jesen, G.B., Hansen, B.M., Eilenberg, J. Mahillon, J. 2003, The hidden lifestyles of Bacillus ceresus and relatives, Environmental microbiology, vol. 5, pp. 631-40. Roberts, T. A.; Baird-Parker, A. C.; Tompkin, R. B. (1996). Characteristics of microbial pathogens. London: Blackie Academic Professional. p.24. Klietmann, W. and Ruoff, K. 2002. Bioterrorism: Implications for the Clinical Microbiologist. Amer. Soc. Micro. 14(2):364-381.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shakespeares Sonnets :: Sonnet essays

Shakespeare's Sonnets      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's sonnets, as poems, have been obscured by the enormous amount of speculation, much of it unjustified, that has grown up around the problems presented by the dedication.   The following sonnet is commonly grouped with 125 others that are believed to have been written to a much admired young man, who was Shakespeare's junior in both years and social status.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The form in which the poem is written is often referred to as Shakespearean or English form.   As in most of Shakespeare's sonnets the argument proceeds by quatrains.   Each quatrain presents an idea in itself.   The poet in the first quatrain bewails his own lot; in the second contrasts that lot with other men's; in the third, thinking of his beloved friend, he rises like the lark that â€Å"sings hymns at heaven's gate†; and in the couplet his happiness is generalized in a final contrast.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the first line the poet speaks of himself as being out of luck, and/or money and not well received by his fellow man.   He has taken to crying about his social ostracism in line two.   In an attempt to clarify for himself why he is in such a state he â€Å" troubles† heaven with his â€Å"bootless† or useless cries.   But as the poet has made clear heaven turns a deaf ear and no response is forthcoming.   Again he becomes introspective and curses his fate.   This first quatrain has given us an image of a grown man â€Å"down and out† if you will, who is accepting no responsibility for his life's station.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the second quatrain the poet has taken to wishing he were more hopeful. He wants to be more popular with his peers and he desires the literary skill, â€Å" art†, and intellectual prowess, â€Å"scope†, of other men.   It is almost humorous to think that Shakespeare, at one time, wished to be a better writer.  Ã‚   Even that which most delights the poet no longer stays the pain he is feeling.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All is not lost, however.   The third quatrain offers our poet hope.   He is almost   to the point of despising himself when suddenly salvation finds him.   By some chance he thinks of his love (be that love male or female we know not). These thoughts overwhelm him with joy.   His whole mood becomes â€Å"like the lark at break of day†.   In short, he is uplifted.   To show just how happy the poet has become he gives us a final contrast in the closing couplet.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For thy sweet love rememb'red such wealth brings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mang Inasal Sample Paper Essay

Numbers of employees of mang inasal – 21 employees including manager including the managers. Number of hours of operation a day – working hours, 8. Staff operation 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, on customers, 9:00 am to 8:00 am. Reasons for choosing the branch location – Since people love to spend most of their time in the mall, Problems encountered during the business operation – the manager laughs that she always encounters some problems to her subordinates, like being late at duties, some members that are hard headed, and reaction of customers that gets the wrong order and slow serving. How they see their business 5 to 10 years from now? – the manager say’s she can picture Mang Inasal being as more popular as before, growing bigger and better. Like jolibee, she sees Mang Inasal having many branches that extends internationally. Notable Experience in running the business – Reasons for having that kind of business – according to the manager, Miss Kristine Loayon, they were informed during their job seminars and orientations, the owner of mang inasal, Edgar â€Å"Injap† Sia , had a target to have a business that people will love and can be successful without a doubt. Since Filipinos love to eat, specially barbeques and Filipino dishes, then why not make food-chain business which features barbeques and pinoy foods Types of products, services offered? – Philippine cuisine Fast food, deliveries and reservations of tables only at the second floor of mang inasal ormoc branch. ECOTAXA – Introduction MANG INASAL – Philippine’s fastest growing barbeque fast food chain, serving chicken, pork barbeque and other Filipino favorites, was first established on December12,2003 in Iloilo City. Currently, there are 445 branches nationwide and with over 10,000 employees system wide. MANG INASAL is doing its share in alleviating the unemployment burden of the country. The presence of every MANG INASAL in a certain area provides not only employment but also opportunities to community members including suppliers of kalamansi, charcoal, banana leaves, vegetables, bamboo sticks, and other ingredients. It also indirectly gives income – generating activities to many. MANG INASAL is operating at the following areas: Bacolod, Iloilo, Roxas, Laguna, Bicutan, Metro Manila, Davao, Cagayan De Oro, Koronadal, Ozamiz, Iligan, Surigao, General Santos, Pagadian, Batangas, Lucena, Naga City, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Tagaytay, Palawan, Tacloban, Ilocos Sur and Tarlac. MANG INASAL is targeting to open 500 stores by 2012. Apart from the usual food presentations of multinational food company copycats, Mang Inasal endeavors to adhere to elements that bear a distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling with charcoal, rice wrapped in banana leaves, a marinade concocted out of local spices and herbs, bamboo sticks for skewers, and the ambiance that encourages kinamot (the ilonggo term in eating with the hands) whenever chicken inasal is served. All these evoke a rush of nostalgia for tradition, culture, and most of all, Home. Mang Inasal is proud to do its share in alleviating the unemployment burden of the country. It is effectively stimulating economic activities in communities where branches are situated. Local suppliers of calamansi, charcoal, banana leaves, sorbeteros, vegetables, fish, bamboo sticks, and other ingredients, as well as LGU’s, trisikad (pedicab) drivers, and a host of other enterprises are benefited by the presence of Mang Inasal in their area. Mang Inasal has steadily grown since it offered franchising. Mang Inasal has branches in Bacolod, Iloilo, Roxas, Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, Kalibo, Tarlac, Boracay, Antique, Mindoro, Batangas, Pampanga, General Santos, Tuguegarao, Iligan, Bulacan, Cavite, Baguio, Laguna, Panabo, Cagayan De Oro, Lucena Surigao, Palawan, Agusan Del Sur, Malabon, Zamboanga Pagadian, Koronadal, Rizal, Pangasinan, Dipolog, La Union, Ozamiz, Kabankalan As of today, Mang Inasal has 423 branches nationwide and counting. In Mang Inasal, â€Å"Pinagsikapan naming laging mabilis, laging masarap, at laging abot-kaya† so that the Pinoy can truly say, â€Å"Kumbinsing!†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Banner Advertisement

The constant development of product in the market and the continuous innovation of technology have required or opened a new opportunity for the marketers to advertise their products to the target consumers. Today, the convenience of technology is being used not only for learning and entertainment, but also for selling products in the market. Today, banner advertisement or sometimes called as ‘web banner’ is one of the most effective ways of reaching the customers anywhere in the world.Just like other forms of marketing channels, banner ad has the ability to influence the consumers’ behavior and persuade them to buy the products that the society can see on the internet. However, the sudden decision of the customers to buy the product after seeing it on screen makes banner ad most effective among other marketing communications. Unquestionably, E-commerce is one of the products of technology. The evolution of technology has influenced the marketers as well as the con sumers to find other ways of selling and purchasing.Nowadays, online marketing has been the most efficient way for the marketers in reaching their consumers and even the potential customers of the products that are being offered in the market. Effective E-Marketing Campaign Effective online marketing does not depend on the appearance of the banner ad on the internet. Although e-commerce is efficient because it has the capability of reaching the market at any given time does not mean that the marketers should disregard the other important factors of marketing.Proper evaluation and marketing research are also done in order to have a successful business and appropriate profit at the same time. Thousands of products are already advertised online and many of them have succeeded in gaining customers awareness and loyalty and are even able to expand the business by targeting more markets and penetrating more countries. However, the convenience of using the internet for marketing requires g ood concepts with appealing and persuading effects to the buyers.In other words, functionality and design are both important in online marketing, but the strategies should still be present in order to reach the expectation of the company. Even though banner ads have been accepted in the society today, the company should still consider other factors that may affect the products, the consumers’ behavior, and the company itself. Some people prefer online shopping, some rarely browse the net to search for the product that could be bought in the market, and some are just being influenced by the appearance of the web banner.Consumers’ behaviors are not being considered only by the large manufacturers; in fact, online marketing can also be risky because the business firms may not be able to reach the expectation of other segments in the market. Creativity in making web banners is important in getting the attention of the online shoppers. Some of the banner ads are too colorfu l and filled with animation while some appeared to be very simple. The design of the banner ads may be based on the product category or company’s technique in attracting the potential buyers.As marketers, observing the banner ads of other products online may give them an idea on how are they going to execute the web banner of their products. It does not mean imitating the concepts of other companies, rather getting an idea on which banner ads have the most effective online campaign and which ads did not attract their attention while browsing the net. It is also necessary that the company knows what message they would like to convey to the online shoppers. The banner ads should contain not only the image of the product but also the significance and the brand’s unique selling proposition to get the attention of the market.Controlling the file size should also be considered by the online marketers in creating the web banners. Online campaign should consider the functional ity of technology in advertising their products. Some banner ads do not reach the anticipation of the marketers because they fail in the market. In other words, the web banners are often ineffective regardless of its good colors and animation. Huge banner ad does not guarantee a successful business for the company. Sometimes bigger ads have the bigger problems in appearing online because of its file size and loaded graphics and design (King, 2009). Efficiency of Banner AdsMany companies have already reached a high level of success in the marketplace with the help of e-commerce. While some companies were able to expand their businesses, some on the other hand have failed despite the excellent promises of online marketing. Undeniably, marketing is another great opportunity for the companies in the market. Aside from having the opportunity to gain an appropriate market share, they are able to work with technology and conform to societal changes at the same time. This new technique of a dvertising is now considered as most efficient and least costly marketing communication.The accessibility of computer has created a positive impact to both marketers and consumers. With each click, the marketers are able to gain profit and the consumers are able to shop without taking up too much time and effort. The flexibility of internet is an advantage for business transactions making the cycle of marketing easier and faster. Aside from having the order in just few clicks, the company is also able to measure the effectiveness of their online campaign. Through this technique, marketers may improve the banner ads or replace them if the company noticed that it is no longer effective (Superpages.com). The images of banner ad on the net help the company in gaining brand recognition from the consumers. The web banner has the ability to leave a trademark on the consumers’ minds and even encourage the customers to buy the product that is being advertised. Although banner ads can give the customers only limited information, many marketers and consumers are still relying on its efficiency (Warren, 2009). On the other hand, a web banner still promises great opportunities of product growth and business expansion. References King, J. (2009). 10 Tips for Creating an Effective Banner Ad Campaign.Microsoft Small Business Centre. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://www. microsoft. com/australia/smallbusiness/themes/sales-and-marketing/10_tips_for_creating_an_effective_banner_ad_campaign. mspx Superpages. com. (2007). Advantages of Online Marketing. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://advertising. superpages. com/learning/advantages-of-online-marketing. shtml Warren, S. (2009). Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Marketing. Ezine Articles. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Advantages-Disadvantages-Of-Inte

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Does a Home Health Aide Do

What Does a Home Health Aide Do If you’re looking for a highly sought after, exceptionally stable job in the growing field of healthcare, you’ve come to the right place: home health aides are poised for remarkable success in the years ahead. Not sure whether a career as a home health aide is right for you? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this important job. The 411 on Home Health AidesHome health aides offer a variety of assistance to people with special needs, including those who are cognitively impaired, chronically ill, or disabled. They also care for seniors in need of assistance. Depending on the particular job, the responsibilities of home health aides include everything from helping clients with personal hygiene tasks and checking vital signs to shopping, light housekeeping, and arranging for transportation. Home health aides also offer another vital service to the people for whom they care: companionship.Unlike personal care aides who may be directly employed by their client s, home health aides usually work for agencies. With specialized training, home health aides may also provide simple medical care, such as administering medication and working with ventilators, although these functions must be performed under the direct supervision of a registered nurse or other trained healthcare professional.Home health aides also play a vital role in the continuum of care. Not only do they track the condition and progress of their clients, but they are also tasked with reporting any changes to a client’s physical, mental or emotional state. This can help ensure that they receive the treatment they need as it arises.Why Become a Home Health Aide?With a projected growth rate of 48 percent between 2012 and 2022, home health aide positions offer unprecedented job security with a minimal investment of time and training. In fact, there are no formal education requirements to work in this field, although some employers - typically certified home health and hospi ce agencies - do require that employees undergo formal training and are certified by the National Association for Home Care Hospice.While you may not need a college degree, some other attributes are particularly important when it comes to working as a home health aide. These healthcare workers are detail oriented, skilled at time management, and have strong people skills. They should also be comfortable with performing physical tasks, as clients who are disabled may need to be lifted or turned.And while the current salary for a home health aide is relatively low at $20,820 a year, as demand continues to skyrocket due to the aging â€Å"Baby Boomer† population and their increasing preference for â€Å"aging in place,† so is the potential that salaries will rise in relationship to demand.Coming in behind industrial-organized psychologists (53 percent growth) and personal care aides (49 percent growth), home health aides claim the third spot on the U.S. Department of La bor’s list of the â€Å"10 Fastest Growing Jobs.† For many people, the combination of job security and the chance to make a difference in the lives of others adds up to a career that doesn’t just offer financial stability, but also professional fulfillment.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Steam engine essays

Steam engine essays In 1698 a great inventor named, Thomas Savery made the first steam engine. He was working on a problem pumping water out of coalmines. This machine that he used consisted of closed vessel filled with water which was made into steam. It forced the water upward and out of the mine. It created some like a vacuum and sucked more water out a bottom valve. Then later he started to work with Thomas Newcomen on an atmospheric steam engine. Later on in 1748 John Schuylers copper mine used the first steam engine in America. Flooding shut down the mine in Passaic, New Jersey. Schuyler paid Jonathan Hornblower 1000 pounds to ship him a steam engine and mechanics to set it up from Britain. So in 5 years the engine arrived in 1753. The traction engine is the first type of engine used in the fields in Britain. But they were not self propelled yet so they needed to be pulled by horses. They were used for the farm equipment and to operate sawmills. In the 20th century they were still used. The cars were made with larger steam engines for heavy haulage. They also had a 3-speed gearing and sprung on both front and back axles. When traveling longer there was a large water tank under the car. The engines could pull up to 120 tons. There were also tractors that were popular hauling timber and the engines were less then 5 tons. The most popular tractor was the Garret 4CD. Mining engineer Richard Trevithick of Cornwall built the first self-moving engine. He devoted his whole like of improving the steam engine and other engine builders were Aveling, Burrell, Clayton, Fower, and Garrett. Thomas Savery was an English military engineer who was the first inventor of the steam engine and got the idea from Denis Papins pressure cooker. Some of Saverys invention was the odometer for ships, a device that measured distance traveled Thomas Newcomen was an English blacksmith invented the atmospheric steam engine. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shah Jahan - Mughal Emperor of India

Shah Jahan - Mughal Emperor of India From the often chaotic and fratricidal court of Indias Mughal Empire sprang perhaps the worlds most beautiful and serene monument to love - the Taj Mahal.  Its designer was the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan himself, a complex man whose life ended in tragic circumstances. Early Life The child who would become Shah Jahan was born on March 4, 1592, in Lahore, now in Pakistan. His parents were Prince Jahangir and his wife Manmati, a Rajput princess who was called Bilquis Makani in the Mughal court. The baby was Jahangirs third son. He was named Ala Azad Abul Muzaffar Shahab ud-Din Muhammad Khurram, or Khurram for short. As a child, Khurram was a particular favorite of his grandfather, Emperor Akbar the Great, who personally oversaw the little princes education. Khurram studied warfare, the Koran, poetry, music, and other subjects suitable for a Mughal prince. In 1605, the 13-year-old prince refused to leave his grandfathers side as Akbar lay dying, despite the potential threat from his fathers rivals for the throne. Jahangir succeeded to the throne, after crushing an uprising led by one of his other sons, Khurrams half-brother. The incident brought Jahangir and Khurram closer; in 1607, the emperor awarded his third son the fiefdom of Hissar-Feroza, which court observers took to mean that 15-year-old Khurram was now the heir apparent. Also in 1607, Prince Khurram was engaged to marry Arjumand Banu Begum, the 14-year-old daughter of a Persian nobleman. Their wedding did not take place until five years later, and Khurram would marry two other women in the meantime, but Arjumand was his true love. She later became known as Mumtaz Mahal - The Chosen One of the Palace. Khurram dutifully sired a son by each of his other wives, and then neglected them almost entirely. He and Mumtaz Mahal had 14 children, seven of whom survived to adulthood. When descendants of the Lodi Empire rose up on the Deccan Plateau in 1617, Emperor Jahangir sent Prince Khurram to deal with the problem. The prince soon put down the rebellion, so his father granted him the name Shah Jahan, meaning Glory of the World. Their close relationship broke down, however, over court intrigues by Jahangirs Afghan wife, Nur Jahan, who wanted Shah Jahans youngest brother to be Jahangirs heir.   In 1622, with relations at their zenith, Shah Jahan went to war against his father. Jahangirs army defeated Shah Jahans after a four-year fight; the prince surrendered unconditionally. When Jahangir died just one year later, in 1627, Shah Jahan became the Emperor of Mughal India. Emperor Shah Jahan As soon as he took the throne, Shah Jahan ordered his stepmother Nur Jahan imprisoned and his half-brothers executed, in order to secure his seat. Shah Jahan faced challenges and uprisings all around the edges of his empire, as well. He proved equal to the challenges from Sikhs and Rajputs in the north and west, and from the Portuguese in Bengal. However, the death of his beloved Mumtaz Mahal in 1631 nearly shattered the emperor. Mumtaz died at the age of thirty-eight after giving birth to her 14th child, a girl named Gauhara Begum. At the time of her death, Mumtaz was in the Deccan with Shah Jahan on a military campaign, despite her condition. The distraught emperor reportedly went into seclusion for an entire year  and was only coaxed out of mourning by his and Mumtazs eldest daughter, Jahanara Begum. Legend says that when he emerged, the forty-year-old emperors hair had turned white. He was determined to build his empress the most magnificent tomb the world had ever known. It took the next twenty years of his reign, but Shah Jahan planned, designed, and oversaw the construction of the Taj Mahal, the worlds most famous and beautiful mausoleum. Made of white marble inlaid with Jasper and agates, the Taj is decorated with Koranic verses in lovely calligraphy. The building occupied 20,000 workers over the course of two decades, including craftsmen from far-off Baghdad and Bukhara, and cost 32 million rupees. In the meantime, Shah Jahan began to rely increasingly on his son Aurangzeb, who proved an effective military leader and an Islamic fundamentalist from a young age. In 1636, Shah Jahan appointed him viceroy of the troublesome Deccan; Aurangzeb was just 18. Two years later, Shah Jahan and his sons took the city of Kandahar, now in Afghanistan, from the Safavid Empire. This sparked on-going strife with the Persians, who recaptured the city in 1649. Shah Jahan fell ill in 1658  and appointed his and Mumtaz Mahals eldest son Dara Shikoh as his regent. Daras three younger brothers immediately rose up against him and marched on the capital at Agra.  Aurangzeb defeated Dara and his other brothers  and took the throne. Shah Jahan then recovered from his illness, but Aurangzeb declared him unfit to rule and had him locked up in the Agra Fort for the rest of his life. Shah Jahan spent his last eight years gazing out the window at the Taj Mahal, attended by his daughter Jahanara Begum. On January 22, 1666, Shah Jahan died at the age of 74. He was interred in the Taj Mahal, beside his beloved Mumtaz Mahal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What has motivated the desire to pursue primary care practice Essay

What has motivated the desire to pursue primary care practice - Essay Example The researcher tells that his desire to be a practitioner in the medical or healthcare field began long ago. Having witnessed several people suffering to their death for lack of good healthcare during his days as a young person, the researcher developed the passion for learning how to save lives. Saving lives remains my main motivation in life and indeed in my pursuit of further education. While this is the case, the researcher is specifically motivated to pursue primary care practice by the fact that the prevention of diseases or health problems is far better and more desirable than their cure. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, primary care practice encompasses several activities including counseling, diagnosis and treatment of chronic and acute ailments, patient education, health maintenance, health promotion, and disease prevention. Being the first point of entry into the healthcare system for patients, it is imperative that the practice remains dedicated to ensuring that the patient as much as possible recovers without developing complications related to their initial ailments as noted by. While the researcher wishes to see too patients and the general public lead healthier lives, he is more biased toward getting them educated so that they possibly avoid getting sick and take necessary measures to avoid having their situations worsened as a result of negligence or lack of knowledge. Furthermore, the researcher is most supportive of the idea of preventing, diagnosing and treating illnesses early enough before the patient condition gets worse.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal Definition of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Definition of Innovation - Essay Example In this regard, the essay aims to propose a personal definition of innovation taking into consideration a comparative analysis of the concepts of innovation, invention, and creativity. Likewise, a description of the relationship between technical or traditional problem solving and creative or intuitive problem solving would be proffered. An explanation of the importance of innovation to the success of individuals, organizational leaders, organizations, and nations would also be presented. Finally, a determination of the importance of management systems and styles to creating an organization where innovation is enabled would be discussed. Innovation is a process of creative change with a clearly defined purpose of improving a current system or operating process to attain maximized potentials of resources towards a higher level of growth. As a process, innovation needs the application of effective strategies for improved performance. It accurately defines specific aspects to be addressed: a weakness, a threat, a gap in an organization’s current operating system or structure and outlines alternative courses of action that presents possible and viable solutions to the identified dilemma. Innovation, as a change process, is designed with the vision to increase the satisfaction of the organizations’ target market and thereby contribute to the maximization of organizational goals. Innovation is the â€Å"process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. In business, innovation results often from the application of a scientific or technical idea in decreasing the gap between the needs or expectations of the customers and the performance of a firms products† (Business Dictionary, 1). vaccine against market slowdowns and an elixir that rejuvenates growth† (Rigby, et.al, 79). The authors compared innovation to evolving changes in a fashion industry requiring continuous reinvention of product line,

Music of Beethoven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music of Beethoven - Essay Example He changed the musical form but not the structure in this period. One of his quartets had 7 movements instead of 4. One sonata had 2 movements: one movement and a set of variations of the theme of the movement. His 9th Symphony, Joy to the World: was based on Schiller's Ode to Joy. He used two principle ideas: universal brotherhood through the love of God. The choral was magnificent. As one point there were 4 solo voices to sing. His late works were so intimate and intimidating. His whole life he considered music as a mode of self expression His compositions of the third period of his life were beyond the understanding of most. We do not consider the compositions avant-garde as we have heard what came afterwards. Beethoven is an excellent introduction into an avant-garde composer of his time. He did not conform to society. He adapted new forms of compositions and orchestrations. He wrote for different groups of instrumentation. He was not understood by his contemporaries; and he comp osed for himself. The last issue in which Beethoven was not affected was the patronage of royalty. Beethoven early in his life decided what he was going to compose and for whom. Most composers had patrons and as artists, they wrote what was asked of them. 19th avant-garde composers compositional or other issues. Berlioz and Liszt were contemporaries. They were forced by the times to be more than just composers. They did not have patrons. They had to work by supplying their incomes through writing (literary).

Abortion laws in the state of Ohio Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Abortion laws in the state of Ohio - Term Paper Example The state encourages the practice of a compulsive delay of 24 hours prior to the abortion (Laws). This 24 hour period is to be used for the purpose of state-directed counseling (Laws). This piece of counseling information must be handed over to the licensed physician, who is going to conduct the operation (Laws). This 24 hour consent law even makes it mandatory for a woman to give some information to the physician upon a face to face meeting (Laws). The physician must retrieve the following information from the patient:- (Laws). It is only after all the procedures are completed, that the patient gets to sign an informed consent (Laws). The patient even has to declare that she is not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol at that point of time (Laws). If a patient is less than 18 years of age, a parent, legal guardian or custodian must go along with her to the pre-abortion visit (Laws). The law even requires that the parent/legal guardian/custodian, give their Informed Consent on the abortion (Laws). From the above discussion we can conclude that the abortion laws in the state of Ohio have been designed by the government with the intention of protecting the innocent fetus from the brutal process of abortion. The laws have been formulated keeping in mind the complete safety of the patients. Also, the requirement of parent’s consent criteria sounds veritably justified enough for a healthy and happy society. Sweigart, Josh. â€Å"Area representative at center of Ohio abortion controversy†. Springfield News-Sun. 27 Mar. 2011. 28 Mar. 2011. OKeefe, Paul. â€Å"Proposed Ohio abortion law would be one of strictest in country†. Wews Newsnet5.com. 8 Feb. 2011. 28 Mar. 2011.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Memento - Christopher Nolan's Theme of Vengeance for the Death and Movie Review - 2

Memento - Christopher Nolan's Theme of Vengeance for the Death and Dishonesty - Movie Review Example This paper focuses on describing how the film is shot and how this affects audience perception of the action. It further discusses how this affects audience perception of short-term memory. This film is shot in a manner where it begins with the film’s end scene and ends with the characters describing or resolving events or issues presented, in the film, which is actually never explained fully. This unique non-linear narrative structure matches Shelby’s character and behavior. This is because he remembers events and issues in short increments of time, but continues with the pursuit for his wife’s murderers. In this context, the viewers perceive the film just like Shelby perceives life, which is broken and out of order, but later makes sense through Shelby’s restrictive narrations, multiple story plots and a number of close-ups of clues (Memento). Additionally, the manner in which the film was edited also disturbs audience understanding of the storyline. Thi s is because it is narrated in a backward direction with scenes flushing backward with the increments of the story time.   This trend continues and maintains until the film ends, where the audience meets the beginning of Shelby’s narration.Different scenes are also presented in different colors in a reverse order sequence plot with each signifying fifteen minutes of story time. These reverse order sequence scenes from the key plot of Shelby’s investigation to find John G. Additionally, main segments are separated by shorter segments, which are presented in black and white scenes in a sequential order that form one sub-plot where Shelby is continually conversing to a mysterious policeman through the phone (Memento). This sub-plot represents Sammy Jankis’s story, a man who has no short-term memory like Shelby. A chronological sequence cuts short the reverse order sequence after every few minutes. This is particularly done to make the film comprehensive. The prod ucer has managed to connect two reverse order scenes by including the first few seconds of a scene at the end of the subsequent scene.

Womens equality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Womens equality - Assignment Example These paths lead people to make some of their ethical choices based on dissimilar ethical criteria. This paper looks at the feminist philosophical view in the determination of some discriminative concepts. According to Hutchings (2007), feminism is an ethical tradition that examines some of the gender relations of power, which are tied to societal moral codes. The moral codes exist in the feminist global ethic, which occur through the division of feminist thoughts into normative traditional that include care feminism, enlightenment feminism and post-colonial feminism. Despite the categorizations, it is possible to determine that feminists might differ in their understanding and interpretations of the manner in which women are oppressed in the society. However, the foundation of their arguments is based on women’s experience (Hutchings, 2007). For this reason, most of the feminists might argue that historically, not so many people consider a woman’s point of view. This means that men form the different communities, philosophies, religion, moral theory constructs and sciences for fellow men, as well as for the fulfillment of the male interests. In order to evaluate the nature of sexist ethics, the basic requirement would be to develop an understanding of the same. The basic understanding of the sexist ethics is that it is a moral theory that exhibits fundamental biases towards interests of a single gender. Most of the feminists believe that it is possible to consider the major moral theories as sexist since they exhibit biases towards the point of view of the male gender and their development seeks to fulfill male interests. However, an individual might argue that utilitarian and deontological theories are not sexist in nature, given their positions on the moral obligations of human beings. Utilitarianism, which is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Memento - Christopher Nolan's Theme of Vengeance for the Death and Movie Review - 2

Memento - Christopher Nolan's Theme of Vengeance for the Death and Dishonesty - Movie Review Example This paper focuses on describing how the film is shot and how this affects audience perception of the action. It further discusses how this affects audience perception of short-term memory. This film is shot in a manner where it begins with the film’s end scene and ends with the characters describing or resolving events or issues presented, in the film, which is actually never explained fully. This unique non-linear narrative structure matches Shelby’s character and behavior. This is because he remembers events and issues in short increments of time, but continues with the pursuit for his wife’s murderers. In this context, the viewers perceive the film just like Shelby perceives life, which is broken and out of order, but later makes sense through Shelby’s restrictive narrations, multiple story plots and a number of close-ups of clues (Memento). Additionally, the manner in which the film was edited also disturbs audience understanding of the storyline. Thi s is because it is narrated in a backward direction with scenes flushing backward with the increments of the story time.   This trend continues and maintains until the film ends, where the audience meets the beginning of Shelby’s narration.Different scenes are also presented in different colors in a reverse order sequence plot with each signifying fifteen minutes of story time. These reverse order sequence scenes from the key plot of Shelby’s investigation to find John G. Additionally, main segments are separated by shorter segments, which are presented in black and white scenes in a sequential order that form one sub-plot where Shelby is continually conversing to a mysterious policeman through the phone (Memento). This sub-plot represents Sammy Jankis’s story, a man who has no short-term memory like Shelby. A chronological sequence cuts short the reverse order sequence after every few minutes. This is particularly done to make the film comprehensive. The prod ucer has managed to connect two reverse order scenes by including the first few seconds of a scene at the end of the subsequent scene.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Valero Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Valero Energy - Essay Example 4. Critically discuss whether Valero Energy has diversified its products and services. Provide 3 recommendations with a timeframe included of how Valero Energy can create better value through diversification of its corporate-level strategy. 5. Critically discuss whether Valero Energy has created and sustained a competitive advantage through its business-level strategy. Provide 3 examples of different environmental influencers that have affected its business-level strategy. [1] Valero is a refiner of oil feedstock. It buys oil from companies that extract them from the ground and Valero turns the stuff into clean fuel and other products like plastics, asphalt, aromatics, etc. that it sells to other companies. Valero’s entrepreneurial philosophy is closer to that of a small family business where all who work for it feel that they have a stake in the success and profitability of the company. In a June 2006 interview with HR Magazine, Valero’s first CEO (who retired in 2005) admitted that the concern of management is basically how to take care of its people so that they improve their operations, increase refining capacity and yield, and help run the company better. Profits usually follow because the people are happy working for the company. Since 1980, the company has taken care of its people – it has not laid off a single employee in the last twenty-nine years – and so has the luxury of getting the best among those who apply for jobs there, rewarding them for their contributions to the company. Process and product innovations at Valero are managed by sharing the R&D expertise of researchers for its four fuel (gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and renewables) and eight specialty (aromatics, asphalt, propane, sulfur, base and process oils, petroleum coke, solvents and natural gas liquids) products following the basic guidelines of being environment-friendly,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Genotoxicity of Endodontic Irrigants and Medicaments

Genotoxicity of Endodontic Irrigants and Medicaments Abstract Genotoxicity describes a deleterious action on a cells genetic material affecting its integrity. This includes both certain chemical compounds and certain types of radiation. Genotoxic substances are all those with affinity to interact with DNA which is not proof of their dangerousness to humans, but does render them potentially mutagenic or carcinogenic. This review will address the genotoxicity of endodontic irrigants, medicaments, and sealers. It has been postulated that exposure of living tissues to cytotoxic agents can result in chronic cell injury, compensatory cell proliferation, hyperplasia, irritation, degeneration or tissue necrosis (1) and ultimately tumor development (2, 3). It is likely that proliferation may increase the risk of mutations within target cells and also be important in selective clonal expansion of exogenously or endogenously initiated cells from pre-neoplastic foci and eventually tumors (2). Thus, the DNA damage may diminish the self-repairing potential of tissue (4). In light of these considerations, genotoxicity and cytotoxicity assays gained widespread acceptance as an important and useful indicator of carcinogenicity. Definition of genotoxicity In genetics, genotoxicity describes a deleterious action on a cells genetic material affecting its integrity. This includes both certain chemical compounds and certain types of radiation. Genotoxic substances are all those with affinity to interact with DNA which is not proof of their dangerousness to humans, but does render them potentially mutagenic or carcinogenic (5). Genotoxicity of root canal irrigants Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is recommended as the main endodontic irrigant because of its ability to dissolve organic matter together with its broad antimicrobial action (6). NaOCl is commercially available as aqueous solutions with concentrations ranging from 1% to 15% and having an alkaline pH with values around 11 (7). Sodium hypochlorite has a wide range activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. It is the strongest antifungal agent among root canal irrigations and medications. Furthermore, it is the only root canal irrigant that can destroy the microbial biofilm effectively (6, 7). Hamaguchi and Tsyutsui (8) showed that NaOCl was not genotoxic to mamalian cells. Hagiwara et al. (9) showed that sodium hypochlorite induced chromosome aberrations in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells when treated in the presence of exogenous metabolic activation. Aubut et al. (10) revealed that neutralizing a 2.5% NaOCl solution did not induce any genotoxic effect. Marins et al. (11) showed that NaOCl did not induce any genotoxic effect. Chlorhexidine CHX is a synthetic cationic bis-guanide that consists of two symmetric 4-cholorophenyl rings and two biguanide groups connected by a central hexamethylene chain. CHX is a positively charged hydrophobic and lipophilic molecule that interacts with phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides on the cell membrane of bacteria and then enters the cell through some type of active or passive transport mechanism (12). Its efficacy is due to the interaction of the positive charge of the molecule and the negatively charged phosphate groups on microbial cell walls (12), thereby altering the cells osmotic equilibrium. This increases the permeability of the cell wall, which allows the CHX molecule to penetrate into the bacteria. CHX is a base and is stable as a salt. The most common oral preparation, chlorhexidine gluconate, is water-soluble and at physiologic pH, it readily dissociates and releases the positively charged chlorhexidine component (12). At 0.2% concentration, due to the leakage of low mol ecular weight substances(potassium and phosphorous) from the bacterial cell wall, CHX is bacteriostatic. On the other hand, at 2% concentration, CHX is bactericidal, as precipitation of the cytoplasmic contents occurs and resulting in cell death (13). Ribeiro et al. (14) revealed that chlorhexidine digluconate is able to induce primary DNA damage in leukocytes and in oral mucosal cells, but no chromosome breakage or loss in erythrocytes. Another study indicated that CHX in 0.01% and 1% concentrations did not induce DNA damage. Yeung et al. (15) stated that potential genotoxicity and tissue damage when extruded into the periradicular tissue and at higher concentrations should be considered during periodontal and endodontic practice. Li et al. (16) revealed that CHX-induced genotoxicity on macrophages may be via reactive oxygen species generation. MTAD BioPure (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK, USA), otherwise known as MTAD, was introduced by Torabinejad et al. in 2003 (17). It is composed of 3% doxycycline, 4.25% citric acid and a detergent (0.5% Polysorbate 80) (17). Marins et al. (18) assessed the genotoxicity of MTAD using single cell gel (comet) assay. Results showed that the BioPure MTAD was able to promote DNA breakage in CHO cells only at the highest concentration tested as well as to induce significant increase in tail moment at all tested concentrations in murine fibroblasts. Another study revealed that MTAD did not cause cell death, but presented genotoxic effects (19). EDTA EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) refers to the chelating agent with the formula (HO2CCH2)2NCH2CH2N(CH2CO2H)2. This amino acid is widely used to sequester di- and tri-valent metal ions. EDTA binds to metals via four carboxylate and two amine groups. EDTA forms specially strong complexes with Mn(II), Cu(II), Fe(III), and Co(III). EDTA is mostly synthesised from 1,2-diaminoethane (ethylenediamine), formaldehyde (methanal), water and sodium cyanide. This yields the tetra sodium salt, which can be converted into the acidic forms by acidification (20, 21). EDTA is a polyamino carboxylic acid and a colourless, water-soluble solid. It is widely used to dissolve limescale. Its usefulness arises due to its role as a hexadentate ligand and chelating agent, i.e. its ability to sequester metalions such as Ca2+ and Fe3+. After being bound by EDTA, metal ions remain in solution but exhibit diminished reactivity. EDTA is produced as several salts, notably disodium EDTA and calcium disodium EDTA. The compound was first described in 1935 by Ferdinand Munz, who prepared the compound from ethylenediamine and chloroacetic acid (22). Today, EDTA is mainly synthesised from ethylenediamine (1,2-diaminoethane), formaldehyde, and sodium cyanide (22). EDTA reacts with the calcium ions in dentine and forms soluble calcium chelates. EDTA demineralizes dentine to a depth of 20–30 ÃŽ ¼m in 5 min (23). According to Heindorff et al. (24) EDTA influences chromosome breakage by mutagenic agents. In particular, when applied in combination with chemical mutagens, EDTA enhances mutagen-induced aberration frequencies. Furthermore, they reported that EDTA affects the inhibition of DNA synthesis in primary cultures of mammalian cells. This may be due to impairment of enzymes involved in DNA replication. Using single cell gel (Comet)assay, Marins et al. (25) showed that EDTA did not produce genotoxic effects. Iodine potassium iodide (IKI) Iodine was first discovered in seaweed in the early 1800s. Although its exact mode of action is not fully known, it is thought to induce cell death nonspecifically due to the oxidizing effects of free iodine on SH-OH- and NH groups of amino acids and on double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids. Iodine is highly efficient microbicide to a wide variety of bacterial, fungal and viral infections (26). Potassium iodide (KI) is a compound made of 76% of iodine and 23% of the alkali metal potassium by weight. KI is prepared by reacting iodine with a hot solution of potassium hydroxide, the product being subsequently reduced to iodide by heating the dry reaction mixture with carbon. Another form of iodine compounds is IKI. The solution can be prepared by mixing 2 g of iodine in 4 g of KI; this mixture then is dissolved in 94 ml of distilled water (26). Poul et al. (27) assessed the genotoxic effects of potassium iodate in vitro using the alkaline comet assay and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay on CHO cells. Results showed that potassium chlorate as well as potassium iodide, bromide and chloride did not induced DNA damage in the alkaline comet assay for doses up to 10 mM. In another study, Hikiba et al. (28) assessed the effect of iodine and iodoform on chromosome aberrations using Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells and found that iodine induced chromosome aberrations and iodoform induced no genotoxicity. Using the comet assay and chromosome aberration test to characterize the genotoxic potency of povidone-iodine within 4 h of contact with CHO-K1 cells, Muller et al. (29) found no chromosomal damage. In another study, Hedayati et al. (30) showed that incubation of lymphocytes with (131)I induced genotoxicity, which was reflected by an increase in micronuclei frequency. Genotoxicity of intracanal medicaments Calcium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2 ] was originally introduced to the field of endodontics by Herman in 1920 as a pulp-capping agent. It is a white odorless powder with the formula Ca(OH)2, and a molecular weight of 74.08 (31). Calcium hydroxide has low solubility in water (about 1.2 gL-1 at 25 C), which decreases as the temperature rises. The dissociation coefficient of Ca(OH)2 (0.17) permits a slow, controlled release of both calcium and hydroxyl ions. The low solubility is a good clinical characteristic as a long period is necessary before it becomes soluble in tissue fluids when in direct contact with vital tissues (32). It has a high pH (about 12.5-12.8), is insoluble in alcohol and is chemically classified as a strong base, it main actions come from the ionic dissociation of Ca2+ and OH- ions and their effect on vital tissues, generating the induction of hard tissue deposition and being antibacterial. Ca(OH)2 dissociates into calcium and hydroxyl ions on contact with aqueous fluids. Ca (OH)2 in water has a thixotropic behavior (33). According to Ribeiro et al. (34) calcium hydroxide do not promote DNA damage in mammalian cells. In another study, Ribeiro et al. (35) revealed that calcium hydroxide was not able to modulate alkylation-induced genotoxicity or oxidative DNA damage as depicted by the single cell gel (comet) assay. MTA MTA is a mixture of a refined Portland cement and bismuth oxide and trace amounts of SiO2, CaO, MgO, K2SO4, and Na2SO4 (36). Portland cement is a mixture of dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, gypsum, and tetracalcium aluminoferrite (37). Gypsum, and to a lesser extent, tetracalcium aluminoferrite are important determinant of setting time (37). MTA contains fewer toxic heavy metals, has a longer working time, and have undergone additional processing/purification than regular Portland cements (36). The MTA powder is mixed with supplied sterile water in a 3:1 powder/liquid ratio and it is recommended that a moist cotton pellet be temporarily placed in direct contact with the material and left until a follow-up appointment (38). Upon hydration, MTA materials form a colloidal gel that solidifies to a hard structure in approximately 3–4h, with moisture from the surrounding tissues purportedly assisting the setting reaction (38). Hydrated MTA has an initia l pH of 10.2, which rises to 12.5 three hours after mixing (39). Using single cell gel (comet) assay, Ribeiro et al. (40) detected no DNA damage after a treatment of cells by MTA and Portland cements for concentrations up to 1000  µ/ml. In another study, Ribeiro et al.(41) demonstrated that regular and white MTA did not produce genotoxic effects at 1 to 1000  µgmL-1 FOR 3 H AT 37 C. Another study using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells indicated that that MTA and Portland cements are not genotoxins and are not able to induce cellular death (42). Braz et al. (43) assessed the genotoxic effects of MTA and Portland cements in peripheral lymphocytes from 10 volunteers by the alkaline single cell gel (comet) assay. Findings failed to detect the presence of DNA damage after a treatment of peripheral lymphocytes by MTA and Portland cements for concentrations up to 1000 mug mL(-1). Camargo et al. (44) revealed that regular and white MTA preparations did not negatively influence cell survival or reactive oxygen species production. Ding et al. (45) show ed that MTA and calcium silicate possessed no genotoxic effect. According to Zeferino et al. (46) MTA as well as Portland cement+15% bismuth oxide were not genotoxic. Genotoxicity of root canal sealers For assessment of the genotoxic potential of any material, it is recommended to perform a series of in vitro tests. At least two assays, investigating different endpoints, shall use mammalian cells. For cytotoxic and bactericidal compounds, as many endodontic  sealers appear to be, care must be taken in the test set up: For a proper evaluation the selected test concentrations used for genotoxic effects must be below the concentrations where toxic effects are found (47). Ørstavik and Hongslo (48) showed that extracts of a synthetic polymer material, based on epoxy-bis-phenol A, induced mutations in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 as did extracts of the epoxy-bis-phenol A resin alone. Formaldehyde, an active ingredient from one of the ZnO-based materials, induced mutations in both Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100. The mutagenic activity of formaldehyde as well as of the epoxy material was reduced in the presence of rat liver microsomes. Schwikl et al. (49) showed that eluates of mixed AH26 were mutagenic, and their genotoxicity was strongly depended on the setting time. The number of mutants after exposure to eluates of unset AH26 was enhanced approximately 7- to 10-fold. However, the mutagenic activity of the mixed material was clearly reduced after a setting time of 1 wk. Physiological saline eluates of the mixed AH26 were not found to be mutagenic. Dimethyl sulfoxide eluates of the liquid component of AH26 elicited mutagenic effects similar to the freshly mixed material; eluates made in physiological saline were barely mutagenic at a 10-fold higher concentration. Leyhausen et al. (50) showed that AH-Plus revealed no genotoxicity and mutagenicity. Epoxy-based sealers are also mutagenic in mammalian cell mutation assays. Ersev et al. (51) showed that silver-free AH26 set for 24 h were weakly mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium TA100. They further showed that silver-free AH26 might contain small amounts of two mutagenic substances: bisphenol A diglycidyl ether and formaldehyde. Tai et al. (52) revealed that root canal sealers containing formaldehyde and bisphenol A diglyether proved to be not only cytotoxic but also genotoxic. Miletic et al. (53) found no mutagenicity found for AH26 and AH Plus sealers on human lymphocytes in highly controlled conditions in vitro. Formaldehyde is released from some epoxy-based sealers with a maximum after 2 days, even though the amount is much less than that of paraformaldehyde containing zinc oxide-eugenol sealers (54). It was believed that the leakage of formaldehyde and bisphenol- A diglycidyl ether from the epoxy-sealers contributed to the mutagenic effects (49, 55). Formaldehyde is classified as a carcinogen in animals, whereas there exists only limited evidence for carcinogenic effects in man (56). There is also limited evidence for animal carcinogenicity from bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether and no adequate data for the evaluation of human cancer risk for this compound (57). Considering the limited exposure of these compounds from endodontic epoxy sealers and the lack of definitive assessment by the IARC, it seems unlikely that such sealers contribute to an increased risk of cancer in patients. However, the high level of paraformaldehyde in zinc oxide-eugenol. Using Comet assay, Huang et al. () showed that the zinc oxide eugenol-based sealers  (Canals, Canals-N, and Tubilseal) did not always cause a dose-dependent increase in genotoxicity. The resin-based sealers (Topseal, AH 26, and AH Plus) caused a dose-dependent increase in genotoxicity, but no such effect was seen with the calcium hydroxide-based sealer (Sealapex) (47).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Freely Loving the Highest Good Essay -- Analysis, Augustines View

One of the inquiries that is often raised in the topic of the will is the account of humans not loving and turning away from the highest good. By this, I mean that there is a relation between the freedom of the will and human beings not having a rightly ordered love, that is, to love the wrong thing. According to Augustine’s philosophy, the chain of iniquity is self-forged by our divided will, also referred to as the divided house. In Book XII of â€Å"City of God† Augustine declares it pointless to look for the cause of the evil will. For the cause, he argues, is â€Å"deficient,† not â€Å"efficient.† In supporting Augustine’s view, I will provide my own examples and arguments in order to strengthen his claims. Before I can expostulate on the issues of the divided will, and the reward for freely willing to love the highest good, I will explain what Augustine means by â€Å"deficient† as opposed to† efficient† cause as the foun dation of the divided house. Deficient Cause vs. Efficient Cause Often times, actions are analyzed by rational explanation or causal explanation. Rational explanation attempts to construe an action by the aims a person might presently have in his mind. Causal explanation attempts to find the cause for that particular action. Augustine thinks it is absurd to locate the cause of the evil will. Perhaps, we should take into account Augustine’s view about â€Å"The First Sin,† when the defection of the bad angels was first encountered. â€Å"In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth†¦ And God saw that it was good† (NRSV, Genesis 1). If the Bible states that God created everything good because He is good, then evil, according to Augustine, is the absence of good and does not have any positive being--- defective and lack ... ...ents, love God above all and love your neighbor as yourself, indicate that we should love the most what is objectively the best. Pride is a perverse kind of self-love and a feature of the will. Pride was the deficient cause of Satan freely choosing himself over God and continues to be a relevant cause for humans as result of â€Å"The Original Sin.† In redemption, Jesus Christ, a model of humility, was the Second Adam who because of grace sacrifices Himself to bear and forgive humans of sin. I believe that we can choose to will good or to will evil. To freely will the love for the ultimate good means to willingly love God above all. Although our nature is subject to pride and is deficient in goodness, we can still choose what is good. By having this rightly ordered love , we choose the highest good. As a reward, God gives the gift of true happiness in the afterlife.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Anxiety Disorder Essay -- Psychology, Phobia, Agoraphobia

Among many psychological disorders, anxiety disorders are the most predominant in the United States. According to Antony (2011), anxiety disorders affect nearly 28.8 percent of the population. An extreme and unrealistic anxiety is the most common symptom that characterizes all the psychological conditions within the category of anxiety disorders. The category includes specific phobia, agoraphobia, social phobia, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This paper examines obsessive-compulsive disorder discussing the major etymological explanations of anxiety disorders in general, specifically describing the condition, and discussing actual treatments for the disorder. Anxiety played an important role in the psychoanalytic theory, and, as a result, psychoanalytic interpretation is important to understand anxiety disorders. In the psychoanalytic interpretation, anxiety is defined an intense sensation of endangerment and an unconscious mechanism produced by unconscious conflicts. According to Wolman and Stricker (1994), it can be understood as a symptom that is the cause and effect of itself and a product of past experience, psychological mechanisms, and psychic contents like persecutory anxiety or separation anxiety. For Freud, nervous anxiety was produced by sexual frustration and repressed sexual drives, or libido. In his theory, sexual frustration creates a biochemical imbalance that results in anxiety. However, this idea does not have support on the empirical basis because there is not a biochemical process that correlates with Freud’s theory. In addition, on the psychological basis, sexually abstinent people do not always experience ext reme anxiety (Wolma... ..., and pharmacological treatment would be better in the case of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this sense, the patients would be encouraged to examine their beliefs or assumptions that create their compulsions. The etymological explanations of anxiety disorders represent the bases for the creation of any treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, while they increase our knowledge about the condition. Since diagnose is extremely related with the severity of the symptoms, the correct treatment approach is also related with the state of the condition. Future research is needed to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the causes and elements that contributed to the condition’s occurrence. In conclusion since every treatment has its limitation, a combination of different treatment is the best methodology to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Role of Media

â€Å"Electronic Media† are those communication mediums which are based on electronic or electromechanical means of production and most often distinguished from print media. The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public worldwide include radio, sound recordings, television, video recording and streaming internet content† . It denotes, â€Å"the main means of communicating with large number of people, especially television, radio, internet and satellite†. The electronic media have four basic functions; to inform, entertain, educate and influence the public opinion.The 20th century can be termed as the century of communication. The main mean of mass communication grew in succession as the century unfolded. Motion pictures arrived on scene in the first decade of this century. Regular radio broadcasts started in 1920s. Television entered the arena in 1940s, followed by cable television in 1950s, and satellite television in 1970s. Lastly the perso nal computer gave access to Internet in 1980s. It transformed the interconnected computer networks through World Wide Web by the 1990s. Types of  Ã‚   electronic mediaRadio. In Pakistan like other developing countries, radio is the major source of information and entertainment due to its reach to the far flung areas and being relatively economical. Broadcasts carry news, analyses, commentaries and advertisements. This medium, however, is losing attraction in the public. Television. TV due to its potentials to offer a greater variety than other elements of electronic media has become the strongest form of media to perform all four functions, i. e. information, education, influence and entertainment. Internet.Internet is the latest addition into the elements of medium of electronic communication. It is swiftly bringing a historic shift in the dynamics and profile of the global information sector. The medium also provides instant access to the largest data bases and archives of infor mation around the world. 1. 6   The media and the ground realities The most critical obligation of electronic media is to act as the custodian of the facts. There are certain realities and electronic media’s mindset and peculiarities, which to some extent are universal.The electronic media is a business, a billion dollar industry and thus its primary motive remains to earn money and not harmonize the society. Due to intense competition in the field of electronic media industry, media has to be competitive; to be â€Å"Exclusive and First†. The electronic media often looks for controversy, sensationalism and negative news to make headlines. In some cases the electronic  Ã‚   media feels that it has the right to interpret what is good or bad for society using its own standards.The electronic Media was primarily and popularly used by our previous regimes as tool of self propaganda, the quality of news poor, unreliable and un-imaginative presentation of events and stor ies, ultimately losing the confidence of general public. Introduction of Satellite TV, Cable and Private Channels and Dish widened the scope of awareness of people. The Government of Pakistan realized the sensitivity and potential of private electronic media which could not be avoided through State controlled TV only.The governmental policies regarding electronic media   took a different direction, to regulate this sector. 1. 7  Pakistan electronic media regulatory authority The objective of PEMRA was to regulate the electronic media i. e. Radio and TV. This was necessitated by the decision to allow a large number of private TV and radio channels. The Ordinance also gives a Code of Conduct for media broadcasters/ cable TV operators. â€Å"This Regulatory Body was established under the PEMRA Ordinance 2002, having the following goals in mind†Ã‚   i)  Improve the standards of information, education and entertainment. i)  Enlarge the choice available to the people of Pak istan in the media for news, current affairs, religious knowledge, art, culture, science, technology, economic development, social sector concerns, music, sports, drama and other subjects of public and national interest. iii)  Facilitate the devolution of responsibility and power to the grass roots by improving the access of the people to mass media at the local and community level. iv)  Ensure accountability, transparency and good governance by optimization of the free flow of information. . SECTION-2 FAULT LINES IN NATIONAL COHESION AND INTEGRATION . 1  What is National Integration? The concept of National Integration is subject to a wide range of interpretations. However, two definitions which catch the essential spirit of the concept include, â€Å"The creation of a National Political System which supersedes or incorporates all the regional sub-cultures† , and the creation of a â€Å"Common national consciousness, a common national consensus and a common national i dentity† . These two definitions appear adequate for working purposes as they underline both the political as well as the socio-cultural ingredients of the process of integration.National cohesion refers to the bonds or â€Å"glue† that binds members of society, community or other groups together. The most obvious bonds are ideological, ethnic, linguistic, religious, cultural and historic. However, the homogeneity of a nation is no guarantee of successfully bonding together as a cohesive whole. â€Å"The extent of the threat posed to the integrity of a state by the multiplicity of languages, races, religions etc. , depends on a variety of factors but there are basically two requisites (conflict of ideology and economic decline) which must be present before a country may be deemed to be faced with a problem of national disunity.    The Pakistani society is in transition, and it faces challenges but still the national interest is to make Pakistan as a unity-in-diversit y and there is an ever-growing need to develop a harmonious society. â€Å"The balance sheet of social changes in Pakistani society over the past half century has both cost and benefits. Pakistani society has split into class-cum-lifestyle segments. Its social institutions do not dovetail into each other; instead fissures of institutional lag run through them.Its cohesiveness has given way to the fragmentation and the erosion of value and moral consensus†. 2. 2  Fault Lines in National Cohesion and Integration in Pakistan Integration or cohesion is an ideal, â€Å"it is not a thing but a process. It is dynamism ruled by an inner necessity, being guided in a direction chosen by itself as a goal or rather a series of goals leading to a certain direction †. National integration and social cohesion is the capacity of a society to ensure the welfare of its all members, minimize disparities and avoid polarization.A cohesive society is mutually supportive community of free individuals, pursuing these common goals by democratic means. National integration and social cohesion is at risk in Pakistan because of many impeding factors, which originate within the country or influenced by external reasons. It may also be a complex outcome of interaction between the country forces and stresses and influences of global scenario. The socio-political factors and socio-economic factors as listed below have contributed to cause fault lines in national cohesion and integration. 2.   Socio-Political Factors Intolerance and near absence of civic responsibility, now manifested in our society is indeed the outcome of a hierarchical structure and social barriers, further and enforced by policy approaches in the 80s. Politicizing of religion and language is one major source of fractionalization. â€Å"Presently, the culture and society of Pakistan are in the grip of an unprecedented upheaval. In the post 9/11 world, the political, religious, and the social dynamics in Pakistan have been under major internal transformation and intense international scrutiny.Ethnic and sectarian violence which ravaged the country for the last two decades has sharply polarized the society. Various Islamic religious groups jostle violently for power. Religious faith, usually a matter of personal redemption, is flagrantly flaunted and a stunning lack of tolerance for difference increasingly defines Pakistani society. † Constitutional Crisis. The non-agreement and lack of consensus on various revisions and amendments in 1973 constitution remained a contentious issue among the federating units since long.The delayed process of reconciliation and agreement, on this only document to govern the state is a serious threat to national cohesion and integration. Provincialism. Imbedded strides of sub national identities engraved into the fabric of the provinces pose an existential threat to national cohesion. This issue is even more pronounced in case of smaller provinces like Khyber Pukhtunwa and Balochistan. Identity crisis prevailing with in the provinces is tarnishing the very physiology of democracy in essence and in dispensation at National level.There are contradictions between national and provincial interests, particularly in matte relating to language, ethnicity, identity, and power. There are small Political groups and movements agitating for their rights, including Baloch issue. Nevertheless, such provincial or regional sentiments swirl within the national cultural pool. Sectarian Intolerance. The division of society on the basis of sects, tribes, colour and creed gives rise to intolerance towards other sects. The violence on sectarianism basis is on the rise. The religious intolerance and extremism, and over emphasis on religious dentities due to that   Pakistani society is facing continuous challenge of terrorism in the name of religion and belief. Political Process and Direction. The directionless political system rarely delivers to the satisfaction of voters. Various derivations of political process have no regard for national objectives and national interests and efforts for achievement of these goals for the country are hardly visible. The political system as a whole is driven by conflicting vested interests. The political parties lack democratic norms in their rank and file.Leadership Style and Direction. The political leadership as a whole has failed to satisfy the masses. The trust deficit between the leadership and the people has widened, and is increasing with the passage of time. The social and political positions of so-called ruling elites are just a symbol of false pride without much regard for vision and justice. Non-State Actors. Unorganized political parties have increased the influence of non-state actors in national politics, thereby vested interests are perpetuated, at the cost of national interests. Challenges to the Writ of the Government.The manifestation of this divide is the challenge to the writ of the State in FATA and Malakand Division where state infrastructure of governance has been uprooted, the power elite has been eliminated (either by murder or forced migration) new and parallel structures have been created and the application of Constitution is challenged. â€Å"The so-called Islamic fundamentalists have always been influential in the largely poor, illiterate, and rural Pakistan society. These groups represent a variety of power centres based on an array of belief systems from within Islam.Historically, none of these groups have had much success at the ballot box, but with a strong core of ‘true believers’ with blind faith and unflinching allegiance, they have often been able to display enough Street power to disrupt civil life. Since the war of independence in neighbouring Afghanistan in the 1980s, these religious groups have been encouraged and aided by the government of Pakistan and the US State Department. As a result they have ‘flo urished and proliferated under the exhilarating notion of jihad.The border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been porous for centuries because of the unusual terrain that facilitates traffic and a common tribal ethos that informs the lives of the bordering populace. With the rapid and fearsome Talibanization of Afghanistan and the Mullahisation of Pakistan, the borders for all practical and ideological purposes dissolved, and these processes played a vital role in the fluctuating social ethos of Pakistan. †Ã‚   War against Terrorism. The country is facing various challenges.The multiple threats and constant pressures are very serious since post 9/11 due to Pakistan’s commitment with West for fight against terrorism. This involvement is viewed as being done to oblige the West. The suicidal attacks and drone attacks are the result of this involvement. Feudalism / Tribalism. In Pakistan the feudal and tribal society where rights of human being are violated is a matter o f concern, people are not free to express their desire to govern. In such circumstances the leadership style is power centred and feudal in character, this leadership enjoys respect because of fear, and not because of trust. National and regional culture has, at various times, interwoven and competed with each other. In times when centralization is the ideological thrust, national themes and institutions are in the ascendancy, but when the pendulum swings toward decentralization, regional and ethnic societies and cultures reassert their autonomy. The political ideologies and movements that shift the balance between national and regional social and cultural systems are the markers of Pakistan’s social change. †Ã‚   Role of Madrassa.There is little control of government over madrassas in the country, these madras do pose a threat to the cohesion of the society in Pakistan, if not regulated adequately. . 2. 4. Socio – Economic Factors Socio – Economic dispari ties. The poverty and inflation has caused disparities in the society. The people living below the poverty line have increased in number. The unemployment and low income has caused economic imbalance in the society. The division of society and decline in socio-economic standards have adversely impacted the quality of life. Bad Governance. Undemocratic & non-participatory governance. . The perception of governance leading to good governance is flouted; concepts of transparency and accountability are misleading in Pakistani experience.The accountability is selective and by choice, its aim is not to reform the society of negative practices, but to benefit the fittest and powerful. The people have no faith in the system of governance and accountability. Violation of Human Rights. The human rights violation is on the increase, the weaker segments of the population even do not get the rights given in the constitution and the irony remains ignorance on their part of basic rights bestow ed by the constitution. The perception of women as having a lower status at all levels is the principle barrier in the way of gender equality and is reinforced by customary practises and the laws of the land. Women education, health, labour force participation, mobility, decision making etc, all reflect the unique situation of women in Pakistan. † Personal Security Perception. The constant engagement of population in this war against terrorism has changed its perception of personal security. The people have doubts about the success of governmental policies. Loyalty towards State /individualistic behaviour.The notion of loyalty towards state is blurred, people’s expectation of justice and fair play are shattered, and therefore, their loyalty towards State is also undermined. The individualism has replaced collectivism; the bigger societal group is vanished. The conflicts of values, beliefs, and other sociological imbalances has damaged the national fabric and has caused segmentation on the basis of caste and class   Justice and Rule of law. The justice is uncertain; the rules of game are settled by abuse of power. The respect for justice is linked with status and position of the seeker.The attitude towards Rule of Law is very negative, law breaking is considered as a pride for the powerful. Due to delayed justice people have lost hope in the system to get justice. Violence against Women and minorities  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Many Analysts are in agreement that women’s poor status as well as poverty is rooted in social and cultural organization of society†. The rights of the women are abused, and such abuse is referred to the culture and customs and here- say, this victimization is devoid of any ideological, religious and legal and Constitutional basis.The religious minorities are threatened and do face violence at their religious places, thereby show concern of threat and personal security. â€Å"Empowering women is a challenge, requires changes in the existing class and caste based structure and it needs a focused and active public delivery system to ensure that resources and opportunities earmarked for women reach them† Mistrust in Criminal Justice System. The people do not have trust in criminal justice system, and lack of trust generates uncertainty and confusion in the society. â€Å"In Pakistani society, the udiciary plays a pivotal role in articulating and enforcing rules of conduct for its citizens. The judiciary derives its legitimacy and power from the constitution. † †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ?SECTION-3 ROLE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA IN PAKISTAN 3. 1  Electronic media’s impact on Pakistani society In Pakistan the electronic media is providing information at a very large scale. It is being recognized as contributing significantly in important national issues. It has a   role in   accountability process . The Ptv is pursuing an agenda of social responsibility there are two main challenges of sustainability of democracy and good governance face by the country.In such a scenario, role of media is to facilitate the democracy. â€Å"The social impact of communication and media has seeped deep into social and cultural institutions, paradoxically reviving traditions as well as introducing new practices. Like other processes, communication and information media are bound up with other socio- economic forces, thus making them a strong current of social change. †Ã‚   The electronic media has created markets resulting in the employment of greater work force in gathering, processing and disseminating information.The electronic media have a vital role to play in the present day world in Pakistan. The independent electronic media can demonstrate better performance to provide good quality information with its wider reach. â€Å"Private channels highlight causes of mis- governance and bring them to the attention of those who are responsible. They can raise public awareness about what the public itself should also do to ensure good governance whether it is correct payment of taxes and bills or issues such as tax avoidance. Such practices should be discouraged and the media has a duty to learn from other countries how this is being done.Private sector media have an enormous educative and mobilizing role to play when it comes to what society do and certainly with respect to highlighting the social responsibility of the media and the citizens. †Ã‚   â€Å"How does Pakistani society hold together despite its ethnic divisions, segmented classes, and fragmented institutions? What are the processes that maintain its social cohesion? This two-part question raises a critical issue about some semblance of functional equilibrium of society. †Ã‚   The electronic media role ive new direction to social behaviour, â€Å"by changing the boundaries of social situations, electronic media do not simply give us quicker or more thorough access to e vents and behaviours. They give us instead, new events and new behaviour. † Following are some of the roles, both Negative and positive being played by electronic media in Pakistan. 3. 2  Positive impact of electronic media The electronic media direct social change and values. The electronic media may be successful in stimulating the change in the tightly held ideas and rigid attitudes to bring desired change.The media can give direction to social change, and positively guide the society towards the desired goals. The electronic media and   Policy Dialogue. The electronic media can greatly facilitate this exercise and help the people and government to discuss the issues concerning society, to fulfil their desires and achieve their respective objectives. In Pakistan, the people frequently need to be taken into confidence for the initiation of new policies and initiatives. The objective discussion on political and policy issues media can generate support of people for polici es of the government..Social problems and media. The social problems of our society revolve around ignorance, traditionalism and backwardness. The Pakistani society is in transition, social and ethnic issues have become hard, it happens in many societies, but need to be averted in tolerance. It is an established fact that blaming circumstances, whether disorders or external factors, for what is happening for Pakistan is not going to do any good for Pakistan’s survival as a dignified an honourable nation. The electronic media can partly address the challenge of societal transformation.The effect of media on national issues. The electronic media has also been highlighting financial irregularities, corrupt practices and inefficiencies of the government functionaries and negative fallouts on the society of the acts of the extremist elements to adopt an appropriate strategy for their eradication. â€Å"The media have a measurable effect on public affairs. In the matter of local, national, economic and social issues, they help to create an informed citizenry by clarifying the complex matters of public affairs which exist at the local and national levels.The formation of public opinion towards the civic problems is generated. †Ã‚   As such the media give the public a better understanding of these issues with which it must deal and influence those who have to resolve these issues. Electronic media communication and information Identification of social problems has always been a difficult job as they fall into a grey area and consequently hard to be known. â€Å"Advances in communication and information dissemination, such as television, videos, Internet, and CDs, have increased the circulation of ideas, symbols, and images across national and regional borders.People have access to new sources of news, facts, and entertainment. These media help rationalize, redirect, or impede changes that are underway through economic and social development. † 3. 3  Negative impact of electronic media Objectivity and Electronic Media. The objectivity of media is becoming increasingly questionable, the coverage of issues of national interest demand care and restraint. The media in Pakistan is devoid of objectivity, and just telecast such incidents that sometime are not factual. â€Å"The very nature of media is subjective and selective, and therefore suppressive.The general electronic media content do cover non-event-centric aspects of life in Pakistan. There is an imbalanced fixation with events, incidents, accidents and statements. † In order to improve their ratings and enhance viewers ship, the tool of sensationalism is used. What is important is to think as to what is being done to own sensibilities and social and moral values. Causing Desperation amongst Nation. These days no news is good news on Pakistani media. Media has taken away the sense of hope from the masses and has made them over sensitive to their surroundings.Commer cialism and Electronic Media. In today’s world, there is a cross commercialization of the electronic media. Commercially driven, ultra-powerful media primarily serves their sponsors rather than the public. Pakistani media is following the saying, ‘We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art; we have no obligation to make a   positive statement, to make money is our only objective. Electronic Media and Talk Shows   Generally the talk shows do not meet basic tests of responsible journalism; fairness, objectivity, balance and differentiation between fact and speculation.Honest discussion must be ruled by reason, not emotion alone. Most anchors try to impose their own perspective, instead of objectivity. â€Å"However, unfortunately, this role has moved from delineation to distortion. In essence, distortion is in-built into the very nature of media as it is unable to represent totality of given situation. Therefore, media managers in any on going situation in a society should strive to minimize that inherent tendency to distort. †Ã‚  Ã‚   Polarisation of the Society.In some instances, the electronic media is accessed by a small segment of society; due to vested interests this group projects its identity disproportionately. The media coverage of such groups is likely to create a  Ã‚   polarized society. Negative Projection of the Country. All events and happenings in Pakistan are not bad. On the contrary sometime nothing positive is discussed in the electronic media. The projection of crimes and anti- social elements all the time is eroding and diminishing the contours of our true identity across the globe. Pursuance of Foreign Agenda.It is believed that some of Pakistani media has reportedly links with shady foreign characters, are being funded by different foreign elements and their anchors are on their pay rolls and thus are furthering their anti- state agendas. ======================= PREFACE Being participa nt of 92nd   National Management Course   at the National Management College of the National School of Public Policy, Lahore, I am assigned the topic of Individual Research Paper titled, â€Å"Growth and Development of Electronic Media in Pakistan: How it can Enhance National Cohesion and Integration? . The growth of electronic media over past few decades is very rapid in Pakistan. The media can impact public opinion in a significant manner. In Pakistan the national integration and cohesion, is indeed a serious issue, which needs to be analyzed. The media’s extraordinary growth can impact this problem. The media is being considered as a fourth pillar of the state. . In this study a sincere effort has been made in a comprehensive but concise way to analyze the dimensions of â€Å"fault lines† in national cohesion and integration that occurred during the last over 60 years.The role of electronic media to enhance the national cohesion and integration has been analyze d in this study. The same has been analyzed in historical, socio-political, socio-economic, governance and leadership context. From this analysis, a starting point, as I perceive can be made to think various aspects concerning national cohesion and integration. In the end the analysis is concluded and some  Ã‚   recommendations have been made. . I am grateful and deeply indebted to professional guidance extended by Dr.Sikander Hayat, Dean National School of Public Policy, for his encouragement at all stages in carrying out this research and making it possible. I am grateful to Mrs. Rashida Bokhari for her vision and hard work in guiding me on the theme of the paper during the process. She was always critical but professional in her outlook that enabled me to complete this research as per requirements. I am thankful to Prof. Sajjad Naseer and Dr Riffat S. Hussain, for sharing socio political outlook and focused in depth analysis of Pakistani Society. I am also grateful to Ms. Naeem a and her team for the assistance extended for library research.